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2017 KASBP Fall Symposium early-bird registration
2017-10-05 11:31
2017 KASBP Fall Symposium early-bird registration
2017 KASBP Fall Symposium early-bird registration, with discounted registration fee and hotel fee, is open.The deadline for early-bird registration is Oct 15th. You have 10 more days to register for the symposium with the early bird discount.
To register, please visit http://kasbp.org/event-2662900
· Date/Time: October 27, Friday (6:30 PM) – October 28, 2017, Saturday
· Venue: Hilton Meadowlands, 2 Meadowlands Plaza, East Rutherford, NJ 07073
In addition, we encourage attendees to participate in the following opportunities:
1. 2017년 KASBP Fall Symposium 기간 중에 Job Fair가 준비되어 있습니다.
현재 Job Fair에 참여하는 회사는 LG 생명과학, SK 바이오팜, 녹십자 (목암생명과학 연구소), 브릿지바이오 입니다. Job Fair 시간은 10/27 금요일 오후 3:00 부터 5:30까지 입니다. Job Fair에 지원자로 참여하고 싶은 회원께서는 아래 KASBP 담당자에게 지원서 혹은 CV와 함께 이메일로 10월 20일까지 연락해 주시기 바랍니다. 채용공고는 첨부파일을 참조해 주세요.
KASBP Fall Symposium is hosting a job fair. Participating companies are LG Chem, SK BioPharm, Green Cross and Bridge Biotherapeutics. Job fair is scheduled for Friday (10/27) 3PM to 5:30PM. For those interested in participating, please contact KASBP Job Fair Director, Suktae Choi, with attached application or CV via e-mail Oct 20th. Please see attachment above for details.
KASBP Job Fair Director: 최석태 (Suktae Choi) jobfairkasbp@gmail.com
2. KASBP Fellowship Award 신청서가 10월 9일에 마감됩니다. 참여를 원하시는 분은 마감 전에 관련 서류를 제출하시기 바랍니다. 또한 포스터 참여를 원하시는 분들께서도 hyun-hee.lee@merck.com 으로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 참조해 주세요.
The deadline for fellowship award application is October 9th. For those interested in applying for the fellowship award or participating in the poster session, please contact Fellowship Director, Hyun-Hee Lee, at hyun-hee.lee@merck.com. Please see attachment above.
3. 지난 봄 심포지엄의 성공적인 토요일 저녁 Break Session 에 이어서, 이번 가을 심포지엄의 토요일 저녁 Session 은 한국과 미국에서 Biotech Starup을 하시는 분들을 소개도 하고, 회원들의 의견도 듣고자 합니다. 현재 Bridge Biotherapeutics, Cellex Life Sciences, Proximity Biosciences, Pin Therapeutics, Emory University의 새로운 starup등이 예정 되어 있습니다. 많은 참여를 바랍니다. 발표를 원하는 startup 이 있으시면 최 윤 회장님께연락 바랍니다. (ychoe@lmiplaw.com)
Continuing the successful Saturday Breakout Session from the Spring Symposium, we plan to have Startup evening on Saturday, 28th to introduce Biotech startups in US and Korea and also to invite members’ comments. There are five startups in various stages including Bridge Biotherapeurics, Cellex Life Sciences, Proximity Biosciences, Pin Therapeutics, and a new startup from Emory University are planned to appear in this session. Please sign up for the Saturday Dinner session and let any interested Startups Korean or Korean-Americans are encouraged to contact:
KASBP President, Yun H. CHOE at ychoe@lmiplaw.com
4. For undergraduate and graduate students traveling from outside of NJ, KASBP will reimburse part of the hotel fee and cost for travel. To qualify for the reimbursement, students must check in at the registration desk Friday night, Saturday morning, and Saturday lunch.
· For those staying at the hotel, we will reimburse $50. For one night stay in a double room with a roommate ($75), that brings the cost down to $25
· Please keep all of your receipts pertaining to travel. After the symposium, we will send out a travel reimbursement form to those who qualify for reimbursement per guidance above.
For any questions, please contact kasbpsymposium@gmail.com.
Thank you!
2017 KASBP Fall Symposium Organizing Committee
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