KSEA NY Chapter News

KSEA NY Chapter News

2020 KSEA Young Investigator Grants (YIGs)

2019-10-02 22:56
Dear KSEA members,

The Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) is pleased to announce competition for the 2020 KSEA Young Investigator Grants (YIGs), which intend to recognize those who have demonstrated outstanding early career development in science, engineering and/or technology. Two grants will be awarded this year as follows:

Grant: US $10,000 for each awardee with an additional travel support up to $1,000 to attend the award ceremony at UKC 2020.

Application PeriodFrom October 15, 2019 to December 1, 2019

Description: The KSEA Young Investigator Grant is the KSEA's highest recognition given to young professionals who earned a doctoral degree in science or engineering, and have been working in academia, industry, or government for no more than 6 years. Two YIGs will be awarded this year: one grant selected from Science, and the other from Engineering. Applicants should select either Science or Engineering based on their research field.

Eligibility: Each applicant should have received a Ph.D. degree within six years of the application (On or after January 1, 2014).

Application: Application for the grant should be received through the KSEA website, http://yigrant.ksea.org. The required materials are a curriculum vita, a research or technology development plan for one year (five pages), and three reference letters. The application package must specify the pertinent Technical Group (A though M) in which it is to be evaluated. A list of 13 Technical Groups may be found at https://ksea.org/us/organization/technical-groups/.

Evaluation: Evaluation of the applications and selection of the successful applicants will be conducted the KSEA Honors & Awards Committee (HAC) in collaboration with Technical Group Councilors and their representatives. The recipients will be announced through the KSEA web page and via email March 31, 2020.

Administration: The grant is awarded through the recipient’s institution in the United States, not directly to the recipient. The recipient must submit a final report, which summarizes the achievements supported through the grant and expenditure details. An additional travel reimbursement up to US $1,000 will be provided to the recipient to attend the award ceremony at UKC 2020.

For any questions, please contact HAC Chair, Kang-Wook Lee, kangwook.lee.ibm@gmail.com.


Jun-Seok Oh

President of KSEA
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